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  • Categories:最新消息
  • Author:华讯知识产权
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-10-13 13:11
  • Views:

(Summary description)  美国联邦最高法院大法官安东宁·斯卡利亚(Justice Antonin Scalia)在近代美国法律历史上,有着举足轻重的地位。做为一名坚定的保守派,斯卡利亚大法官对于美国宪法的解释抱持着几近偏执的本格派原旨主义思想;更为人津津乐道的,便是斯卡利亚大法官极富创意而辛辣的言词及文字,特别展现在他的不同意见书中,以逻辑推演和幽默小品点缀而成的严谨法学文字,便是斯卡利亚大法官留给美国法学界的最大遗产。 1936 年 3 月 11 日,安东宁.斯卡利亚生于美国新泽西州特伦顿。作为家中独子,斯卡利亚夫妇对独子的教育投注了极多的心血,而这些努力也确实转化成斯卡利亚学识涵养的基底及养分,经过青年时期的累积,斯卡利亚顺利进入哈佛法学院后并获得佳绩。   在经过一系列学界、政界的法律职位历练后,斯卡利亚终于迎来一个关键机会-1974 年,尼克松总统提名斯卡利亚担任首席检察官助理,负责法律顾问办公室。该部门隶属司法部并负责向行政部门提供法律建议。此时斯卡利亚以司法部的角度出发,针对行政部门的缺失提供校正的指南,在日后就任大法官时,此种法律本位的思考便是斯卡利亚意见书的宗旨-宪法不应为行政部门而恣意调整解释之方式;在哥伦比亚联邦特区上诉法院担任法官时,斯卡利亚撰写了近百份判决意见。他的判决意见文风以文辞优美、引经据典著称,同时亦为宪法原旨主义的坚定拥护者,严格按文本解释宪法,拒绝任意的为了符合行政所需而解释宪法。在上诉法院期间,斯卡利亚不断在意见书中强调政府分权原则,主张司法权应严守解释之界线,不应使行政权受到司法权之干涉。    斯卡利亚1986年被任命为美国最高法院大法官,他也成为第一个被任命为最高法院大法官的意大利裔美国人。斯卡利亚直到逝世的2016年,皆在最高法院任职,经历里根、老布什、柯林顿、小布什、欧巴马五位总统。和自由派的女大法官RGB相互辉映,作为保守派代表的斯卡利亚大法官在美国法界和政治界声望亦不落下风,美国民众对这位灵活幽默的大法官也有相当好的风评,许多幽默的重制图片即意味斯卡利亚大法官在美国民间的高声望。 (因斯卡利亚大法官以大篇幅的不同意见书著称而恶搞的趣味图) 2008年的「哥伦比亚特区诉赫勒案」,应是美国大法官史上保守派与自由派的最激烈的一次顶尖对决,主战场是美国宪法第二修正案的解释:「管理得当的民兵,乃保障自由州的安全所必须,人民持有和携带武器的权利不得侵犯。」美国宪法制定时间大约为两百多年前,为解释「民兵」、「人民」、「持有和携带武器」在该时空背景下之真实含意,大法官们在判决意见唇枪舌战、旁征博引,透过各种辞典的精密解释阐述有利于己方之论点;斯卡利亚代表保守方撰写的判决意见被许多学者评为其生涯的巅峰之作,64页的判决意见中高达28页是在针对第二修正案的文义解释,完全是宪法原旨论人士的洗炼意见。 斯卡利亚大法官与知识产权 相较于种族议题、同性婚姻权、持枪权等等社会争议议题,斯卡利亚大法官坦承他较不理解知识产权体系中之专利权,但其实仅为谦辞,斯卡利亚大法官针对专利权仍有下列贡献:   第一,确立了人类基因不能申请专利原则。在2013年的Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics案件中,斯卡利亚赞同主审法官托马斯的意见,认为人类基因不能申请专利,但人工复制DNA可申请专利。斯卡利亚写到:“从自然状态中分离的寻求专利的DNA部分与其自然部分DNA是相同的”,因此否定了其可专利性。   第二,降低了专利被许可人确认权利存在之诉的门坎。在2007年MedImmune v. Genentech案以前,美国联邦上诉法院对宣告判决的起诉条件遵循“合理预见即将发生诉讼原则(RAS)”,但联邦最高法院推翻了这个原则,斯卡利亚起草的判决认为要在综合考虑所有情势下确定有实质性争议之情形可提起专利被许可人权力存在之诉。   第三,扩大了对专利侵权“避风港”条款的适用范围。先是在1990年的Eli Lilly v. Medtronic, Inc的案件中,斯卡利亚将《专利法》第271条(e)款(1)项的药品或兽医生物产品扩大到医疗器械领域。又在2005年的 Merck v. Integra案的判决中,把第271条(e)款(1)项扩大到临床测试前使用专利化合物进行的试验,扩大生医产业的专利避风港条款适用范围。   第四,确立了商业方法的可专利性。2010年Bilski v. Kappos案里,九位大法官一致认为Bilski案主张发明依法不得授予专利。结果虽符合一般预期,但其法理分析却分为两派,斯卡利亚认为Bilski主张发明属抽象概念无法准予专利,但美国专利法35USC 101条文并未全面否定授予商业方法专利的可能性,故应认可其专利性。   第五,坚决反对专利流氓。早在2006年的eBay v. MercExchange案中,斯卡利亚加入罗伯特阵营,认为专利案件禁令仍要受衡平法考虑,并认为专利侵权成立前提下,专利权人曾经意图许可他人使用其专利,或者并未对其专利进行商业化利用,不能成为排除永久禁令的理由,对MercExchange进行了打击。在2015年的 Commil v. Cisco案中,他在反对意见书中甚至直接写出了“patent troll”,开了联邦最高法院之先河,也引发了很大争议。   斯卡利亚大法官的幽默轶事 斯卡利亚大法官的绰号是「喜剧之王」。除了法庭中对下级法官、律师的幽默酸言外。斯卡利亚更令人津津乐道是亲民的形象。据传有次他在华盛顿特区的一家健身俱乐部健身,健身房中一名律师觉得这个奋力运动的胖子看起来些许面熟,便问他是不是斯卡利亚大法官,没想到他笑着回答:「不是,斯卡利亚比我本人要瘦。」 这就是斯卡利亚大法官,幽默、坚毅而令人津津乐道的美国大法官。


(Summary description) 

美国联邦最高法院大法官安东宁·斯卡利亚(Justice Antonin Scalia)在近代美国法律历史上,有着举足轻重的地位。做为一名坚定的保守派,斯卡利亚大法官对于美国宪法的解释抱持着几近偏执的本格派原旨主义思想;更为人津津乐道的,便是斯卡利亚大法官极富创意而辛辣的言词及文字,特别展现在他的不同意见书中,以逻辑推演和幽默小品点缀而成的严谨法学文字,便是斯卡利亚大法官留给美国法学界的最大遗产。

1936 年 3 月 11 日,安东宁.斯卡利亚生于美国新泽西州特伦顿。作为家中独子,斯卡利亚夫妇对独子的教育投注了极多的心血,而这些努力也确实转化成斯卡利亚学识涵养的基底及养分,经过青年时期的累积,斯卡利亚顺利进入哈佛法学院后并获得佳绩。


在经过一系列学界、政界的法律职位历练后,斯卡利亚终于迎来一个关键机会-1974 年,尼克松总统提名斯卡利亚担任首席检察官助理,负责法律顾问办公室。该部门隶属司法部并负责向行政部门提供法律建议。此时斯卡利亚以司法部的角度出发,针对行政部门的缺失提供校正的指南,在日后就任大法官时,此种法律本位的思考便是斯卡利亚意见书的宗旨-宪法不应为行政部门而恣意调整解释之方式;在哥伦比亚联邦特区上诉法院担任法官时,斯卡利亚撰写了近百份判决意见。他的判决意见文风以文辞优美、引经据典著称,同时亦为宪法原旨主义的坚定拥护者,严格按文本解释宪法,拒绝任意的为了符合行政所需而解释宪法。在上诉法院期间,斯卡利亚不断在意见书中强调政府分权原则,主张司法权应严守解释之界线,不应使行政权受到司法权之干涉。 








第一,确立了人类基因不能申请专利原则。在2013年的Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics案件中,斯卡利亚赞同主审法官托马斯的意见,认为人类基因不能申请专利,但人工复制DNA可申请专利。斯卡利亚写到:“从自然状态中分离的寻求专利的DNA部分与其自然部分DNA是相同的”,因此否定了其可专利性。


第二,降低了专利被许可人确认权利存在之诉的门坎。在2007年MedImmune v. Genentech案以前,美国联邦上诉法院对宣告判决的起诉条件遵循“合理预见即将发生诉讼原则(RAS)”,但联邦最高法院推翻了这个原则,斯卡利亚起草的判决认为要在综合考虑所有情势下确定有实质性争议之情形可提起专利被许可人权力存在之诉。


第三,扩大了对专利侵权“避风港”条款的适用范围。先是在1990年的Eli Lilly v. Medtronic, Inc的案件中,斯卡利亚将《专利法》第271条(e)款(1)项的药品或兽医生物产品扩大到医疗器械领域。又在2005年的 Merck v. Integra案的判决中,把第271条(e)款(1)项扩大到临床测试前使用专利化合物进行的试验,扩大生医产业的专利避风港条款适用范围。


第四,确立了商业方法的可专利性。2010年Bilski v. Kappos案里,九位大法官一致认为Bilski案主张发明依法不得授予专利。结果虽符合一般预期,但其法理分析却分为两派,斯卡利亚认为Bilski主张发明属抽象概念无法准予专利,但美国专利法35USC 101条文并未全面否定授予商业方法专利的可能性,故应认可其专利性。


第五,坚决反对专利流氓。早在2006年的eBay v. MercExchange案中,斯卡利亚加入罗伯特阵营,认为专利案件禁令仍要受衡平法考虑,并认为专利侵权成立前提下,专利权人曾经意图许可他人使用其专利,或者并未对其专利进行商业化利用,不能成为排除永久禁令的理由,对MercExchange进行了打击。在2015年的 Commil v. Cisco案中,他在反对意见书中甚至直接写出了“patent troll”,开了联邦最高法院之先河,也引发了很大争议。





  • Categories:最新消息
  • Author:华讯知识产权
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-10-13 13:11
  • Views:


美国联邦最高法院大法官安东宁·斯卡利亚(Justice Antonin Scalia)在近代美国法律历史上,有着举足轻重的地位。做为一名坚定的保守派,斯卡利亚大法官对于美国宪法的解释抱持着几近偏执的本格派原旨主义思想;更为人津津乐道的,便是斯卡利亚大法官极富创意而辛辣的言词及文字,特别展现在他的不同意见书中,以逻辑推演和幽默小品点缀而成的严谨法学文字,便是斯卡利亚大法官留给美国法学界的最大遗产。

1936  3  11 日,安东宁.斯卡利亚生于美国新泽西州特伦顿。作为家中独子,斯卡利亚夫妇对独子的教育投注了极多的心血,而这些努力也确实转化成斯卡利亚学识涵养的基底及养分,经过青年时期的累积,斯卡利亚顺利进入哈佛法学院后并获得佳绩。


在经过一系列学界、政界的法律职位历练后,斯卡利亚终于迎来一个关键机会-1974 年,尼克松总统提名斯卡利亚担任首席检察官助理,负责法律顾问办公室。该部门隶属司法部并负责向行政部门提供法律建议。此时斯卡利亚以司法部的角度出发,针对行政部门的缺失提供校正的指南,在日后就任大法官时,此种法律本位的思考便是斯卡利亚意见书的宗旨-宪法不应为行政部门而恣意调整解释之方式;在哥伦比亚联邦特区上诉法院担任法官时,斯卡利亚撰写了近百份判决意见。他的判决意见文风以文辞优美、引经据典著称,同时亦为宪法原旨主义的坚定拥护者,严格按文本解释宪法,拒绝任意的为了符合行政所需而解释宪法。在上诉法院期间,斯卡利亚不断在意见书中强调政府分权原则,主张司法权应严守解释之界线,不应使行政权受到司法权之干涉。 








第一,确立了人类基因不能申请专利原则。在2013年的Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics案件中,斯卡利亚赞同主审法官托马斯的意见,认为人类基因不能申请专利,但人工复制DNA可申请专利。斯卡利亚写到:“从自然状态中分离的寻求专利的DNA部分与其自然部分DNA是相同的”,因此否定了其可专利性。


第二,降低了专利被许可人确认权利存在之诉的门坎。在2007MedImmune v. Genentech案以前,美国联邦上诉法院对宣告判决的起诉条件遵循“合理预见即将发生诉讼原则(RAS”,但联邦最高法院推翻了这个原则,斯卡利亚起草的判决认为要在综合考虑所有情势下确定有实质性争议之情形可提起专利被许可人权力存在之诉。


第三,扩大了对专利侵权“避风港”条款的适用范围。先是在1990年的Eli Lilly v. Medtronic, Inc的案件中,斯卡利亚将《专利法》第271条(e)款(1)项的药品或兽医生物产品扩大到医疗器械领域。又在2005年的 Merck v. Integra案的判决中,把第271条(e)款(1)项扩大到临床测试前使用专利化合物进行的试验,扩大生医产业的专利避风港条款适用范围。


第四,确立了商业方法的可专利性。2010Bilski v. Kappos案里,九位大法官一致认为Bilski案主张发明依法不得授予专利。结果虽符合一般预期,但其法理分析却分为两派,斯卡利亚认为Bilski主张发明属抽象概念无法准予专利,但美国专利法35USC 101条文并未全面否定授予商业方法专利的可能性,故应认可其专利性。


第五,坚决反对专利流氓。早在2006年的eBay v. MercExchange案中,斯卡利亚加入罗伯特阵营,认为专利案件禁令仍要受衡平法考虑,并认为专利侵权成立前提下,专利权人曾经意图许可他人使用其专利,或者并未对其专利进行商业化利用,不能成为排除永久禁令的理由,对MercExchange进行了打击。在2015年的 Commil v. Cisco案中,他在反对意见书中甚至直接写出了patent troll”,开了联邦最高法院之先河,也引发了很大争议。







Electronic Arts pledges free use for five accessibility patents

Electronic Arts pledges free use for five accessibility patents Recently, Electronic Arts (EA) announced a patent pledge that gives other companies and developers free access to five of its current accessibility-related patents and technology. The company promised not to enforce against any party for infringing any of the listed patents. Instead, EA hopes to encourage “innovation” and build new features that make video games more inclusive on a much larger scale by opening up the patents.  Electronic Arts (EA) is an American video game company founded in 1982. The company owns many popular and famous games, such as The Sims, SimCity, Apex Legends, Madden NFL and FIFA. Each of the games has more than 30 or 50 million sales volume. Significantly, esports involves FIFA and Apex Legends into the event list. Apex Legends has up to 1 billion players, and it is so popular that it has a Switch version. Within the freely available patents, one of which grabs everyone’s attention -- Apex Legends’ ping system (patent No. US 11097189). The ping system in Apex Legends, which excellently allows players to make communication and teamwork quick and easy without hearing or speaking, has been praised both as an impressive alternative to voice chat and as a great accessibility feature for players with a variety of disabilities.  The other patents include the technology widely used in the FIFA and Madden NFL. The innovations can automatically detect and modify colors (patent No. US 10118097 and CN 107694092) and contrast ratios (patent No. US 10878540) to improve gamers’ visibility with colorblindness and low vision. Furthermore, one of the patents relates to personalized sound technology, helping players with hearing issues by modifying or creating music based on their preferences (patent No. US 10790919).   The code of the mentioned technology is published on EA’s GitHub, and it is open to all developers. Thus, the developers can use it or adapt it for their games without spending the costs to research. It is good that EA shares the patents for free use and aims to create an accessibility-increased gaming environment for players. However, it is not “unconditional” to use the listed patents. In the pledge, EA mentioned that it may terminate the promise for a specific party which files a patent infringement lawsuit or other patent proceedings against EA. We can see parts of EV’s ambition behind the announcement—to build a large game developer league and a community of shared interests.     Reference: Recently, Electronic Arts (EA) announced a patent pledge that gives other companies and developers free access to five of its current accessibility-related patents and technology. The company promised not to enforce against any party for infringing any of the listed patents. Instead, EA hopes to encourage “innovation” and build new features that make video games more inclusive on a much larger scale by opening up the patents.    Electronic Arts (EA) is an American video game company founded in 1982. The company owns many popular and famous games, such as The Sims, SimCity, Apex Legends, Madden NFL and FIFA. Each of the games has more than 30 or 50 million sales volume. Significantly, esports involves FIFA and Apex Legends into the event list. Apex Legends has up to 1 billion players, and it is so popular that it has a Switch version.   Within the freely available patents, one of which grabs everyone’s attention -- Apex Legends’ ping system (patent No. US 11097189). The ping system in Apex Legends, which excellently allows players to make communication and teamwork quick and easy without hearing or speaking, has been praised both as an impressive alternative to voice chat and as a great accessibility feature for players with a variety of disabilities.    The other patents include the technology widely used in the FIFA and Madden NFL. The innovations can automatically detect and modify colors (patent No. US 10118097 and CN 107694092) and contrast ratios (patent No. US 10878540) to improve gamers’ visibility with colorblindness and low vision. Furthermore, one of the patents relates to personalized sound technology, helping players with hearing issues by modifying or creating music based on their preferences (patent No. US 10790919).   The

The forum on "China's Intellectual Property-related Reform Measures and New Trends in Patent Litigation" will be held successfully!

The forum on "China's Intellectual Property-related Reform Measures and New Trends in Patent Litigation" will be held successfully! In response to the call for building a strong country with intellectual property rights, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of October 21, the forum on "China's reform measures related to intellectual property rights and new trends in patent litigation" will be successfully held in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Industrial Technology Research and Innovation Park. The event was hosted by the Science and Technology Innovation Bureau of Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Management Committee, Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Industrial Technology Research and Innovation Park, Nanjing Intellectual Property Rights Protection Assistance Center Jiangbei New District Center, Nanjing Huaxun Intellectual Property Consultant Co., Ltd., Nanjing Intellectual Property Co-organized by the Protection Center (Nanjing Intellectual Property Rights Protection Assistance Center), Taiwan Pharmaceutical Development Association, and Gene Online. The director of Nanjing Intellectual Property Protection Center, Mou Xiaojian, delivered a speech. Director Mu expressed his warm congratulations on the holding of this event and introduced in detail the new pattern of intellectual property protection in Nanjing. He said: At present, Nanjing has implemented a rights protection assistance network in the municipal area. With full coverage, Nanjing Intellectual Property Protection Center is willing to closely communicate and interact with Nanjing's innovation entities, and provide relevant public welfare services such as rapid pre-review, rapid rights protection, and comprehensive utilization for enterprises in need. In addition, Huang Funan, CEO of Gene Online, was unable to come to congratulate due to the epidemic, and recorded a congratulatory video. In the video, he said: China Innovative Pharmaceuticals has already made many outstanding achievements on the international stage, and these are inseparable from intellectual property rights. The support of the company can also show the importance of intellectual property rights to biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. This event invites four industry experts to focus on China's reform measures related to intellectual property rights and new trends in patent litigation, discuss with companies and universities, and make arrangements in advance. Dr. Qingchen Hou, general manager of Nanjing Huaxun Intellectual Property Consulting Co., Ltd., introduced the "Guidelines for Building a Powerful Country with Intellectual Property Rights (2021-2035)" and explained his views from four aspects: background, strategic layout, overall requirements, and organizational guarantees. . Subsequently, a detailed analysis of China's patent linkage system was carried out, and compared with the same types of cases at home and abroad, questions were raised: Why should we reward the first person who successfully challenged patents? Not the first person to file a P4 application? And have a series of discussions with you. Director Jiang Haijun of the Intellectual Property Protection Legal Committee of the Nanjing Lawyers Association gave a speech on three points: the problems after the amendment of the patent law, the enforceability of the amount of compensation, and the legal conflicts related to service inventions. Regarding the patent right evaluation report, he emphasized that the patentee, interested party or accused infringer can also proactively issue a patent right evaluation report. "Patent is a work of art that combines technology and law" is a message shared by Mr. Feng Tao from Jiangsu Junbo Law Firm at this event. Mr. Feng analyzes the big data of Chinese patent litigation cases through graphs and examples. Explore. The last topic of the event was shared by Guo Huangying, Intellectual Property Manager of Nanjing Huaxun Intellectual Property Agency (General Partnership)-China's Patent Infringement Judgment Principles and New Developments. Manager Guo explained to everyone the principles of patent infringement judgment and the necessity of patent infringement search and analysis before producing and selling products. In the intellectual property industry, ECCOM has been providing high-quality and professional comprehensive intellectual property services to enterprises and universities one step at a time. It also hopes that under the leadership of the state and the government, it will contribute to the building of a strong intellectual property nation in China. Make a contribution.

Types of patents that are easily overlooked- Design Patent

Types of patents that are easily overlooked- Design Patent In recent years, as the public’s awareness of intellectual property has increased, people have begun to consciously use the patent law to protect their intellectual property rights. However, in the process of implementation, they often only focus on invention patent and utility model patent, and tend to ignore the protection of design patent. Recently, Midea sued Haotaitai for two models of CXW-300-D998 and CXW-300-D908 Haotaitai brand range hoods In the case of suspected infringement of its design patent (patent number: ZL201930621598.X), the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court made a first-instance judgment after hearing that it determined that the two products of Haotaitai constituted infringement, and ordered it to immediately stop the infringement and compensate Midea, The company's economic losses and reasonable expenses totaled 360,000 yuan. In fact, appearance infringement cases have occurred from time to time before, such as: "Molly" blind box design patent case, "Siemens" switch design patent infringement dispute case received a compensation of 6 million yuan, three Casio watch design patents were infringed Received a compensation of 8.8 million yuan and so on. The reason why people ignore the protection of design patents, in the final analysis, is that they have insufficient knowledge of design patents. Today, let's take a look at what is protected by design patents and what rights protections can we apply for? Design patent definition: Article 2 of the "Patent Law", design patent, refers to a new design that is aesthetically pleasing and suitable for industrial applications based on the shape, pattern, or combination of products, and the combination of color, shape, and pattern. Protected range: The shape of the product; the pattern of the product; the shape and pattern of the product; the shape and color of the product; the pattern and color of the product; the shape, pattern and color of the product. Protection period: The term of protection for design patent rights is 15 years, calculated from the date of filing. What are the conditions for applying for a design patent? The design should be aesthetically pleasing Appearance patents should be suitable for industrial applications The design patent application should be novel The design patent application should be inventiveness What are the advantages and functions of design patents? Protect the rights and interests of enterprises in product designs and fight against infringements in market competition. To enhance brand value, the quality and quantity of patents are the embodiment of the company's innovation ability and core competitiveness. Receive consumer recognition. If a company's new product appearance is filed for a patent in a timely manner, its appearance design will enjoy the exclusive right. Nowadays, consumers often choose products with trendy and beautiful appearance when buying their products. Applying for a design patent is a necessary condition for applying for a high-tech enterprise.

Colopl Settles Patent Infringement Lawsuit with Nintendo by Paying $30 Million

Colopl Settles Patent Infringement Lawsuit with Nintendo by Paying $30 Million   This August, Nintendo and a game developer Colopl announced that they have settled for patent infringement regarding White Cat Project (Shironeko Project in Japanese), a smartphone game developed by Colopl. Although both companies did not publicly share exact details of the settlement, at least it is sure that Colopl agreed to pay 3.3 billion yen (about US$30.2 million) as the settlement fee for the proceedings, including the future license of Nintendo's patents.    How did the battle begin?  Being developed and published by a Japanese game developer, Colopl, White Cat Project is a free-to-play action role-playing game for Android and iOS systems. The mobile game was launched in July 2014 as well as got a television anime adaptation in 2020. It is incredibly popular to have more than 50 million downloads. Furthermore, the game is set to receive a Switch version titled "Shironeko New Project".    In September 2016, Nintendo noted the Colopl's game and considered that the game had infringed on several of Nintendo's technology patents. The two companies communicated with each other for over a year; however, Nintendo did not accept the explanations from Colopl, and Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Colopl at the beginning of 2018.    Nintendo claimed that Colopl infringed 6 of its patents. These patents protect touch-screen joystick functionality (patent no. JP3734820), multiplayer connectivity (patent no. JP5595991, JP6271692), confirmation screens in sleep mode (patent no. JP4010533), character attacks based on touch input locations (patent no. JP4262217), and a shadow effect placed on characters hidden behind the game geometry (patent no. JP3637031).   These patents almost cover various ways of game technology, especially the patent  JP5595991 and JP6271692. Their patent family is wide-reaching, and many divisional applications of the family are pending in Japan. They protect a communication game system and its related devices. It is not easy to detect the patent's existence and boundary since this kind of hardcore technique is so common in the gaming field and our daily lives.     The five-year patent war has been settled.  After a five-year dispute, the situation appeared to turn in Nintendo's favor as the Switch maker increased its monetary demands, which convinced Colopl to strike a deal that lets it use the disputed patents. Furthermore, a Switch version of White Cat Project remains in the works at Colopl.    With the extraordinary losses of Colopl, the legal battle between the two companies came to an end.  
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