As Chinese companies gradually have their own technology, the demand for them to go out of China can be said to be increasing day by day. Helping Chinese enterprises to go global is the consistent philosophy of ECON.


However, if Chinese enterprises want to go out of China, they often face the numerous patent barriers set up by large European and American factories. How to break through this obstacle has been perplexing Chinese enterprises. With our specialized patent analysis technology, we can help Chinese enterprises find loopholes in European and American patents, or even actively try to revoke the patents of their competitors.


And based on a very large number of patent reading and analysis, our analysis of patents will not only see a single patent, but put a patent in the industry environment, compared with other patents, from the whole face to analyze a patent.


Specifically, ASC can provide the following patent analysis services to our customers:


patent validity analysis:

Assess the likelihood of a patent being revoked afterwards. Its application areas include patent pledge financing, patent pricing or confirmation of the validity of the underlying patent before the sale of the patent, and assisting customers in seeking to revoke their competitors' patents to remove obstacles to the sale of their products.
analysis of patent infringement:

Assess the probability that a product will fall into someone else's patent and constitute infringement. It can be used with consultants who provide clients with avoidance design.

analysis of the commercialization of patents:

Evaluate the market potential after the patent is materialized into a product.